Where setbacks become super powers and honesty is the best policy.


Episode #39

Guided Meditation: Self-Acceptance

Identify the things below the surface that need
love and compassion.

In this special episode of Fun Therapy, Mike has created a guided meditation to help you relax and center your life in self acceptance. Many will find this type of reflection helpful to identify the things below the surface that need love and compassion.

This episode is a perfect tool to help you release stress, anxiety and tension from your day.




Guided Meditation: Letting Go

Release the heaviness of your day and unhook from anxious thoughts.

In this special edition of Fun Therapy, Mike shares a guided meditation to help you identify heavy things that you have carried too long. If you're feeling weary and burned out by life, these few minutes will help you release relationships, failures and hurt you were never meant to carry.



Episode #42

Guided Meditation:
Discover Your Hidden Needs

Become aware of any unmet needs in your life right now.

In this episode, Mike leads you on a guided meditation to become aware of any unmet needs in your life right now.


Episode #39

Guided Meditation:

Identify the things below the surface that need love and compassion.

In this special episode of Fun Therapy, Mike has created a guided meditation to help you relax and center your life in self acceptance.

Many will find this type of reflection helpful to identify the things below the surface that need love and compassion.

This episode is a perfect tool to help you release stress, anxiety and tension from your day.



Guided Meditation:
Letting Go

Release the heaviness of your day and unhook from anxious thoughts.

In this special edition of Fun Therapy, Mike shares a guided meditation to help you identify heavy things that you have carried too long.

If you're feeling weary and burned out by life, these few minutes will help you release relationships, failures and hurt you were never meant to carry.


Episode #42

Guided Meditation: Discover Your Hidden Needs

Become aware of any unmet needs in your life right now.

In this episode, Mike leads you on a guided meditation to become aware of any unmet needs in your life right now.


The 7-Day Anti-Anxiety Meditation Series


The 7 Day Anti-Anxiety Meditation Series includes audio meditations designed to help you reduce stress, sleep better
and eliminate tension in your body.